Dancy Terrace or Reddell Street between 9th and 10th, Main and Hubbard Streets, Springfield, Jacksonville, Florida
Stella deSha Thomas Gallery of Art
Visit the Stella DeSha Thomas Gallery of Art here at the learnyeats.com website. The Gallery is a tribute to my Grandmother who lived in Alachua County before coming to Springfield to raise her family.
Time travel: Connect to the past and the future. Heritage is on-going so we attempt to collect stories about past AND current residents -- memories and memorabilia. We look for unique ways to share the stories through traveling exhibits, performers, media tours etc. We are working to make our springfield stories, archives, and exhibits available online in a Virtual Museum. Join SHEC today. Our history is in your hands. Contact: Rita Reagan, Director of Heritage Education 633-7726
Springfield Preservation & Revitalization Council, Inc. SPAR Council is a non-profit community organization, whose purpose is to provide leadership to the residents of Historic Springfield to revitalize, preserve, and restore the community through its diverse programs. Springfield is Jacksonville's first, and oldest, sub-division, established in 1869.
SPAR have an interesting newsletter every 2 months in pdf format. FireFox best browser to use.
Local & Family History in Jacksonville, Florida. The late great Glenn Emery's web page is back up and running thanks to his family and the Jax Historical Society. Change bookmarks. A predator snatched the old domain.
The Florida Heritage Collection
The Florida Heritage Collection is an ongoing cooperative project of the State University System (SUS) of Florida to digitize and provide online access to materials broadly representing Florida’s history, culture, arts, literature, sciences and social sciences. Thematic areas in this growing collection include Native American and minority populations, exploration and development, tourism, the natural environment, and regional interests.
Materials are taken from archives, special collections, and libraries of the ten state universities which make up the SUS. These materials represent only a small part of the wealth of historical and archival treasures held by the SUS libraries. Users should note the source of materials they use on this site and should contact the holding libraries or archives directly for more information.
Jacksonville Historical Society
The Florida Historical Society AND
The Alma Clyde Field Library of Florida History
Museum of Florida History
As the repository for the state's historical artifacts, the Museum maintains permanent collections of nearly 44,000 items that document the daily lives of Florida's varied populations. The Museum also promotes heritage awareness statewide through traveling exhibits, publications, outreach activities, and technical and financial support to other institutions.
Florida Photographic Collection
The Florida Photographic Collection is a nationally recognized component of the State Archives of Florida and contains more than 850,000 photographs, and approximately 2,500 movies and video tapes. Over 100,000 of the photographs have been scanned and placed on this website. The collection spans a wide range of visual images from copies of mid 15th Century maps to current photographs. Most of the holdings in the collection have been obtained singly or in small groups. Together, they form the most complete portrait of Florida available--one that draws its strength from family pictures, the homes of Floridians, their work, and their pastimes.
Copyright 2005. All information and photographs on this website are protected by copyright by Beth Learn, learn/yeats & co. Personal use only. NO COMMERCIAL USE OF ANY KIND WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION.