Work from the Alice Springs Project eti (pink) |
learn/yeats&co [Beth Learn] |
eit (pink) [1998] by Beth Learn Xerox photocomposite orig. abt. 8"x10"; digital prints abt. 8"x10", with/without lenz The layers in the picture are as follows: 1 - a colored xerox of an illustration which appeared in a Scientific American magazine over which are 2 - a black/white xerox transparency of pc drawn diagrams and that of a page from the eti-bet study taken from the alice springs project. Note: In short, the frequence of each kind of letter (a or b or c etc.) used in the alice springs text is comparatively analyzed. The result indicates that in order of high-low frequence, the 3 letters used most often are e, t, and i. There follows the suggestion that perhaps the order of the English alphabet may once have been e, t, i, etc. and has since been changed. AND THAT this may have been due to the fact that writing preceded speech, at least in the culture of those who colonized early earth who were thought to have been writ keepers. This theory/these theories begin in the alice springs project report appearing in Cabaret Vert Magazine 2 and continue into the report for CVM 3, which entitled the MiamiScript. Some pictures such as the one above, are displayed "in reality" with sheet lenz overface. The lenz served to distort, and somewhat magnify the images underneath, but as importantly was the effect with light -- beams of light like laser beams seemed to shoot out as you walked by -- so that the picture seemed 3-dimensional and it would appear that you could put your hand between the image and the lenz and move it back and forth, but in fact this was not what you were doing. Illusion. I sometimes thought of the additional "layers" of light and reflection and magnification as "extra dimensions", "other worlds". I'll stop here, with that. [Aside: Some have referred to my work with writ process as 'pataphysics. I do not. I consider it more of a pseudo-science than a pseudo-social science. One of my first and quite serious questions was "Can the data and forms, patterns etc. in written poetic language somehow reflect those of neurology at some level and if so, perhaps, in some one to one correspondence, help to explain consciousness. ] The Search for Life on Mars was sponsored in part by a Venture Grant from the Ontario Arts' Council for which I am grateful. |
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Copyright 2000 by learn/yeats&co, Beth Learn in behalf of the contributing artists. You must have permission in order to reproduce or otherwise use any of the work from this site. |