learn/yeats & co Stella Anna DeSha Gallery of Art

by Richard Preston

The distinguishing feature of my art is a fascination with texture. This grows out of a devotion to touch, a touch that can be physical, emotional, and/or intellectual. Each of these may be experienced in a reclusive relationship with self or in the social relationships with others, but , central to these is a decisive connection to space/location which is best described as a sense of 'homeness".

Reflecting on Judy Chicago's (and co-artists) defense of "women's art" and Louise Nevelson's archaeology of a lost domesticity" I create these kitchen icons to honour those that have used the different elements (and to link them with each other through the construction), celebrate the role women have traditionally occupied as "makers of home" and to beautify and spiritualize what I consider to be the center of the center -- the kitchen.

Click on a picture below to access the bigger picture.

Silence, from the Kitchen Icons' Series by Richard Preston
Easter, from the series Kitchen Icons by Richard Preston
Fugue, from Kitchen Icons by Richard Preston
History, from Kitchen Icons by Richard Preston
Pond #1, from the Kitchen Icons' Series by Richard Preston
Pond #1
Pond 2, from the Kitchen Icons' Series by Richard Preston
Pond #2
Meditation, from the Kitchen Icons' Series by Richard Preston
Tryptich, from the Kitchen Icons' Series by Richard Preston
Carnival, from the Kitchen Icons' Series by Richard Preston
Harmony, from the Kitchen Icons' Series by Richard Preston
Metropolis, from Kitchen Icons by Richard Preston
Ra, from the Kitchen Icons' Series by Richard Preston

To contact Richard directly, please cut & paste this address into an email: prestartvaark@hotmail.com

Silence     Easter     Metropolis     Fugue     History     Pond #1     Pond #2     Meditation     Harmony     Carnival     Tryptich     Ra

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Copyright 2004 by the DeSha Gallery, learnyeats.com and Richard Preston. You must have permission before reproducing any of this work.