Mrs. Freddie (Cooper?) Dresses Up at DancyT/Redell Street: "Mrs. Freddie" is the name written beside the photo in my Mother's album. Whoever he was/is, he seemed to be having a lot of fun.
When not dancing, playing dress-up, or giving shows to the DancyT kids, Barbara Thomas would sometimes work on her "house" in the back (which was really the side) yard. She borrowed the boards her Mother had salvaged from the neighborhood and stashed under the house and with these Barbara could construct the playhouse. My Mother, Joan even bought a little tea-kettle at the dimestore so they could have tea in Barbara's house.
The DancyT bungalows originally had a small side porch on the one side of the house. At some point since that time, the porch was walled in to form a utility or storage area on the side of the house opposite the kitchen side. A lattice board was used to form the outer wall of the porch in the good ole days. My Mom remembers pretend teaching Vacation Bible School on her porch. The Mother of one of the local children who attended, told her that her son first learned to pray at her little VBS. Another neighbor closed in her side porch with some boards and make so that her daughter could have her own little bedroom. The side yard and porch would be especially busy on wash day each week. Someone came in to help Stella Thomas with the wash on that day and it all went down on that porch and in that yard. A part of that history may live on if residents of the "NEW" DancyT squeeze a washer and dryer into that little once-upon-a-time side porch.