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Dancy Terrace or Redell Street between 9th and 10th, Main and Hubbard Streets, Springfield, Jacksonville, Florida

Main Street Baptist Church Yearbook 1989

The last MSBC I have found. The congregation is smaller now and Bro Mac is still pastor.

The church "History" that appears in this yearbook is as follows:

In 1905 a few men of vision felt that springfield area of Jacksonville would soon reach as far a s 21st Street. The State Mission Board invited Dr. W.L.C. Mahon to undertake the task of starting mission work in this area. On April 12, 1905 Dr. Mahon advised the Board that a lot had been purchased on the corner of 8th and Main Streets, a temporary building had been ocnstructed ad services were ready to begin. Rev. Mahon and a small group of Baptist met in the temporary building, a wooden structure affectionally known as "The Shack", on April 14, 1905. The church was organized with 10 charter members.

Note: The 1980 Yearbook added that: By the year 1906 the church growth called for the erection of a sanctuary. The planning culminated in 1908 with the dedication of the sanctuary, to be followed in 1912 with the addition of a four-floor educational building adjoining the rear of the sanctuary along Eighth Street. All organizations of the groeing community church flourished and the membership grew rapidly.

In 1928 Rev. Thomas Hansen was called as Associate Pastor to Dr. Mahon. Upon the death of Dr. Mahon in 1931, Dr. Hansen was called to assume the full responsibility of the pastorate. Under Dr. Hansen's leadership, 1938 saw the completion of a second educational building followed by the erection of another 4 story building in 1948. During this same period the church established a ndw mission in the Lake Forest area, the chapel becoming the Lake Forest Baptist Church in 1946.

In january, 1950, Dr. Hansen was called to Ft. Lauderdale First Baptist. The following March the church called Dr. J.R. White. Recognizing the need for a new and larger sanctuary and additional educational facilities, Dr. White formed a Planning and Survey Committee. A new pastorium was erected in 1951. In September, 1954, The Osceola Mission was begun and it was constituted into the Sherwood Forest Baptist Church on September 30, 1956. In the following month a chapel ws begun in the Parkwood area of Arlington.

Dr. John E. Huss was called July, 1957 after Dr. White went to Alabama. On May 29, 1960, the Parkwood chapel was constituted as a church. The plan for a new sanctuary was accelerated and the Planning committee was resiginated as the Building Committee and a program of contributions for the building fund was initiated. Dr. Huss terminated his work in April, 1962. The 5th pastor, Rev. Kenneth Hansen, came to Main Street in September of 1962. The church acquired additional property and plans for a new sanctuary and educational building were completed. The church voted to demolish the old building and build on the same site. The new buildings were dedicated on Sunday November 15, 1964.

December 18, 1966, Dr. E.C. McDaniel was called as pastor. Although the Springfield area has under gone a great transition, Main Street continues to minister as God would have it done. Under Dr. McDaniel's leadership, the mortgage was burned in January of 1983, thus declaring Main Street debt-free!!! Main Street ministers to the down and out as well as the affluent seeking to continue to do God's will...just as was planned in 1905.

C O N T E N T S: The MSBC Yearbook 1939

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Pastor's Welcome
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