![](../images/welovedancyt_200.gif) Dancy Terrace or Redell Street between 9th and 10th, Main and Hubbard Streets, Springfield, Jacksonville, Florida
Springfield Businesses in 1937-39
As advertised in the Mattie V. Rutherford School newspaper May 1937, 1939
The following local businesses were advertised in the Mattie V. Rutherford School News. The ads were hand drawn and lettered and appeared in various sizes. It is assumed that the school generated income to pay for the Newsletter by soliciting these ads. And, it looks as if the school kept roughly the same page layouts and advertisers from year to year for they appear much the same in both 1937 and 1939. These stores would have been known to and frequented by all the local residents and children of Springfield.
The listing here has been organized by the proximity of the "business" to an intersection with Main Street. For some I can't be sure and have listed them separately.
2nd and MAIN
King's Sundries
School Supplies, IceCream, Candies, Crackers, Toys
2nd and Walnut Sts.
3rd and MAIN
Quaintance-Baines Drug Company
Prescriptions, Drugs, Drug Sundries
Toilet Articles
3rd and Walnut Streets
Phone 5-0908
Thelma's Grocery and Confectionery
Third and Ionia Streets
456 Third Streets
O.J. Ramspott Pharmacist
Springfield's newest complete Drug Store
for fast delivery service
Phone 5-0908
3rd and Walnut Sts.
5th and MAIN
(MattieV School was located at 5th and Hubbard - Hubbard being the next parallel street 1 block East of Main St.
Wonder Oil Station
High Grade Motor Oil
1 quart 10 cents
1 gallon 35 cents
American Gasoline
5th and Main Sts
Phone 5-3921
Is this the Wonder Oil Station of 1937,39?????
Wildcat Grocery
Main at 5th St.
Prices Running Wild
Free Delivery
Phone 5-4410
Floyd's Confectionery and News Stand
I will appreciate your trade
School supplies cold drinks
your trade will be appreciated
1654 Liberty St., Cor. 5th
Phone 5-9116
6th and MAIN
Carl Flathman, mgr
6th and Walnut
Post Office Confectionery
124 E. 6th Street
Goodies for the Kiddies
Candies Ice Cream School Supplies
Louise's Place
Candies Grocies Tobbaccos School Supplies
6th and Ionia
7th and MAIN
Prescription Druggists
7th and Main Streets
Phones 5-1854 and 5-1855
19th and Main Streets
Phones 5-5736 and 5-9751
Lester W. Johnson
Johnson Lumber Supply Co., Inc.
7th and Evergreen
8th and MAIN
Handy Andy Shop
12 West 8th St.
Phone 5-2537
411 Main St.
Phone 5-2642
New and Used Bicycles
from $10.00 up
Expert Repairing
R.E. ("Gene") Whitehurst
Gulf Service Station
8th and Liberty
Lane Drug Store
#94 8th and Main Streets
Send us your next prescription
Phones 5-5060 and 5-5061
(Right across from Main Street Baptist Church; at one point in time there were 3 drugstores on the corners of 8th and Main the 4th being occupied by the church. Klutho's Florence Apartments were NOT like they appear today with the first floor blocked up. There were stores and apparently a drug store in the corner first floor area at one time.)
Cooke and Weeks
Groceries - Meats
355 E. 8th
Phone 5-3531
(The Thomas Family shopped at this store while living at Dancy Terrace from the early 1920s on. My Mother, Joan Thomas, remembers running barefoot across Main Streets (2 lanes as the street car tracks and palms were in the middle) to get something for her Mom)
The Springfield Barber Shop
We want your patronage
11 E. 8th St.
Unknown where they cross with Main Street
Virginia's Beauty Shop
1652 Liberty Street
Have your spring permanent or shampoo and set at...
Waves $2.00 up
Shampoo and set 35 cents up
Come in to see us
Expert Operators
Capitol Theater
Attend Our Children's Matinee every Saturday Morning
10:00 A.M. Children 10 cents
Feature- Serial-Comedy-Cartoon
Pleasant -- surprise for everyone
A-I Lock & Gun Shop
409 Main Street
Outside Service given prompt attention
We make keys for any lock
Dell St. John
Gene's Shoe Shop
416 Main Street
Shoes repaired while you wait
complete shoe rebuilding
shoe dyeing
shoe shine
Southern Furniture Exchange
New and Used Furniture
811 Main Street
Central Furniture Co.
We buy and sell used furniture
823 Main
J. A.Rawl
Henry A. McClellan
Used Cars
901 Main
$25 up $1 to $3.00 week
See them before buying
The Rapid Press Commercial Printing
Phone 5-3272
1809 Main Street
Guice Furniture Co
1850 Main St.
Select New and Used Furniture
at Attractive Prices
Eagle Laundry Branch
1920 Main St.
You save on cash and carry
It excells
Allen's 5 and 10 cent Store
1930-32 Main St.
Phone 5-9170
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