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Dancy Terrace or Redell Street between 9th and 10th, Main and Hubbard Streets, Springfield, Jacksonville, Florida

Vol. VIII, No. 2, May 1939

This 17-page booklet is mimeographed, and stapled on the left side. It includes typewritten text as well as hand-drawn illustrations and advertisements. It is divided into sections which include: Executive Staff and Table of Contents, Editor's Page, Composition Page, Color Page, Safety and Atheletics, Jokes, Ads, Composition, and General News. The teachers contributed to the General News.

The advertising in this issue of the MattieV news is similar to that in the 1937 issue. I have made a list of all the ads in both newsletters and then arranged them according to their location near Main Street and whatever street crossing they are near, i.e., Mattie V. Rutherford Drugstore located at 5th and Hubbard would appear under the section Main & 5th Street. These stores no longer exist to my knowledge but at the time they were either frequented by the families of students at MattieV and/or were wanting either to support and/or be recognized as supporting the local school. This list is here.

C O N T E N T S:  May 1937 Mattie V News
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